From € 400,00
From € 375,00 instead of € 400,00*
From € 375,00 instead of € 400,00*
*Offer valid for a minimum of 2 registrations (co-managers)
/10 : Satisfaction rate
Source : Avis Garantis
By Phone
Call our team from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 1pm and 2 to 6pm
Target Audience : Any person gettings a valid permis d’exploitation and who need to renew it.
Prerequisites : none
Necessities : In preparation for the advanced operating permit training session:
- A proficient command of the English language is a prerequisite.
- Essential equipment includes a computer (PC, Mac, or Linux) with a functioning webcam and microphone (a headset is recommended), or alternatively, a tablet or smartphone.
- Installing Zoom that meets the specified requirements is necessary, such as Windows 7, MacOS X10, or Ubuntu 12.04. For further details, please refer to the following link : "Joining a Zoom Meeting"
-Grasp the extent of the legislation and its impact on both civil and criminal realms.
-Gain an understanding of the responsibilities involved in managing a beverage establishment: signage, outdoor areas, security cameras.
-Focus on public health issues related to alcohol, tobacco, and narcotics.
1.Course overview
2.Legislative and regulatory environment
-Fundamentals of the French legal system
-Administrative regulations
3.Requirements for establishing a bar or restaurant
-Beverage classification and licensing
-Required administrative procedures
4.Operator management responsibilities
-Establishment requirements
-Support for public health
-Maintenance of civil order
5.Additional duties
-Fire safety measures for Public Reception Establishments (ERP)
-Combating discrimination
-Audiovisual content taxes
6.Specific local guidelines
-Service hours
-Departmental sanitary standards
-Local decisions and prefectural directives (interruptions, noise)
7.Social Obligations
-Hiring procedures
-Various forms of contracts
-Work time framework
-Information to be displayed
-Professional courses
-Precautions against workplace risks
Access times :
Registration for the course is possible until 2 p.m. the day before the course, depending on places available.
Access terms :
As soon as you register, you will receive an email with your invoice if applicable, and the information that you will receive your agreement 7 days before the course. This agreement gives you all the details about the course (schedules, access to questionnaires, Zoom link). You will have to complete the necessary questionnaires before the start of the course. Then, you will receive a reminder the day before the course begins.
*You are welcomed into a virtual classroom using Zoom for video conferencing.
*We provide you with educational materials that you can consult at any time.
*You will be required to carry out real case studies for a more practical understanding.
*You will have the chance to apply your knowledge with realistic role-playing exercises.
The conditions necessary to obtain your permis d'exploitation are:
*Attendance for the two half-days of course.
*Proof of your identity via an official document.
*Achieve 80% correct answers in the final quiz. If this percentage is not reached, you will have the opportunity to retake the quiz. If the score remains below 80%, a trainer will contact you to ensure you understand the basics.
Assistance is available at any time for your technical and educational needs:
-For technical assistance, contact us at or by email at
-For educational assistance, write to us at
-Dual expertise at the helm: a legal expert supported by a seasoned leader or entrepreneur with over a decade of rich experience in the restaurant industry.
-Enlightening educators transforming complex ideas into digestible concepts.
-Testimonials, demonstrations, and real-life situations...
-Success rate: 100%
-Satisfaction index: 96.4%
We are certified by the government. In 2016, we received a five-year validation from the Ministry of the Interior, renewed in 2021.
For more information, please refer to the prefectural decree on the accreditation portal.
If you are affected by a disability, please schedule an appointment with our dedicated contact, Stéphane GELY, at (+33) An appointment will be arranged to discuss and assess all necessary adaptations to ensure the smooth progress of your course.
Visit to learn about how we promote accessibility for all. This site also includes our welcome brochure and details of our accessibility policy.
If you own or manage a bar, restaurant, nightclub, snack bar, etc., and your operating license is about to expire, you must renew it !
The renewal permis d’exploitation course is a regulatory requirement. Attend it remotely via video conference, from wherever you are. Our center is government-approved to offer this course.
Your new permis d’exploitation will be issued upon completion of the course. It will also be valid for 10 years, recognized throughout France (Metropolitan and Overseas Departments and Territories).
of our clients
Say that the course help them to improve their skill !
(average quality score from 03/2024 to 09/2024)
4,8 / 5
Customers are satisfied by their course
(average quality score from 03/2024 to 09/2024)
of our clients
Have passed their exam and obtained their certificate
(average quality score from 03/2024 to 09/2024)
We are certified Qualiopi.
That you offer a prooved quality of service
We are classified as “Excellence” Merchant,
granted by Société des avis Garantis
Click the date of your choice on the list below. Then choose the formula and the number of people… And that’s it!
€ 400,00 /person
8h – 1 day by videoconference (Zoom)
+ we answer your questions by email, until 7 working days following your demand
+ Access to the slides updates during 18 months
€ 600,00 /person
20h – 2,5 days by videoconference (Zoom)
*2 specialized trainers
*Concrete cases and scenarios
*Session of maximum 15 trainees
+ we answer your questions by email, until 7 working days following your demand
+ Access to the slides updates during 18 months
The permis d’exploitation renewal course is conducted using the ZOOM software.
Regulations mandate the presence of two trainers available for interaction at any time during the course for any training institution.
Our sessions are typically scheduled for Tuesdays. However, public holidays may necessitate adjustments to this timetable.
The course extends throughout a full 8 hours day: a morning session from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and an afternoon session from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
For those not overseeing table hosts, without prior completion of this course, or unable to prove 10 years of experience in the bars or restaurants sector, the initial operating permit training (spanning 2 and a half days) is compulsory.
Certainly, this course holds legal validity.
The decree issued on September 21, 2020, authorizes the organization of training for the permis d’exploitation using a remote approach, specifically via digital sessions. According to this regulation, it is mandatory for the course to be co-facilitated by two instructors: a legal expert and an experienced professional in the hospitality and restaurant sector.
You can refer to the decree on the "Légifrance platform"
Please exercise vigilance in relation to some of our competitors who offer sessions with a single instructor, deviating from the current standards.
Please be aware that the presented course is not eligible for financing through the CPF, nor is it eligible through any other organizations.
However, depending on your professional profile, various financing options are available. For instance, if you are a job seeker, Pôle Emploi could be an option, or alternatively, certain OPCOs may provide suitable solutions based on your status.
You can reschedule your course once within a maximum period of 5 weeks from your initial registration.
Remember to submit your request at least seven days prior to the start of the training. Only in situations of force majeure is cancellation permitted. If you encounter such circumstances, please send us a written notification justifying your decision, and we will proceed with the reimbursement.
It is crucial for every course center to possess an official endorsement. We received our endorsement from the Ministry of the Interior in January 2016.
Later, on January 4, 2021, it was renewed by the Haute-Garonne Prefecture.
For more information, please consult it :
This course is accessible in videoconference, anywhere in the world. is an Aventum website
22 avenue du Louron
31770 Colomiers
Phone : +33 (0)5 31 60 92 46
Contact us
Monday to Friday : 8h30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Regulatory course
Short online courses
Other courses for restaurateurs
Online information and advice
Approval Permis d’exploitation
Organization approved by the Prefecture of Haute Garonne
(renewal of 04/01/2022 of the ministerial approval of 18/01/2026 NOR:INTD1736567A)
Quality Certification
What is Qualiopi ?
All rights reserved – © 2023 – Licence 4 by Aventum