Permis d'exploitation, HACCP...
Training and consulting center for the HCR industry : hotel, bars and restaurant
Center with an agreement to offer the permis d’exploitation course for Licence 4, Licence 3, Licence restaurant…
Satisfaction rate*
*Awarded by the Avis Garantis company
99% of success to the exam
They put their trust in us...
Most popular courses
Permis d'exploitation courses
Initial permis d'exploitation course
People running a bar, a restaurant, a discotheque, a snack, a campsite, a hotel and so on.
Expert permis d'exploitation course
Experienced bar or restaurant owners (10 years or more).
Permis d'exploitation Renewal course
Renewal for permis d'exploitation expiring very soon.
Permis d'exploitation Table d'hôtes
Special permis to serve alcohol during the meals.
Food hygiene HACCP course
Mandatory HACCP course
The law mention that you need at least one trained person per premises.
The food hygiene for restaurants course is for traditional restaurants. It’s also for snack-bars, food-trucks, cafeterias, brasseries… At least one person must be trained in your establishment.
Our experts reply
your questions
You need an information, an advice. Our experts reply your questions on the following topics :
Labour laws
Legal & Regulation
Labour laws
Legal & Regulation
We have trained more than
2,000 attendees since 2016
4 good reasons to choose our center
After-sales service
Access to a cloud with the slides, updated during 1 year + the replies to your questions by email, 7 working days after maximum your question.
Agreed by the State
Our training center is agreed by the State. That allows us to offer both permis d'exploitation and food hygiene courses.
Our learning method
To learn, it can be fine.
But to remember and to use pratically, it's better. Our courses are action and result orientation.
High qualified experts
Our demands are very high when we recruit new experts. That gurantee a very high level of expertise
14 years of experience
Aventum, our company was fonded in 2009, and our website was designed in 2016.
They trust us !
Their opinion
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22 avenue du Louron
31770 Colomiers
Phone : +33 (0)5 31 60 92 46
Contact us
Monday to Friday : 8h30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Regulatory course
Short online courses
Other courses for restaurateurs
Online information and advice
Approval Permis d’exploitation
Organization approved by the Prefecture of Haute Garonne
(renewal of 04/01/2022 of the ministerial approval of 18/01/2026 NOR:INTD1736567A)
Quality Certification
What is Qualiopi ?
All rights reserved – © 2023 – Licence 4 by Aventum