Terms & Conditions

The present general terms and conditions of sale govern the contractual relationship between the company Aventum, owner of the website www.licence-4.com and its trainee. These terms and conditions shall prevail over any other terms and conditions contained in any other document, except in the case of prior, express and written derogation. The present conditions can be modified at any time and without notice by Aventum, in case of modification the applicable conditions will be those of which the customer will have taken knowledge at the date of the order.

Preliminary definitions

Customer : any individual or legal entity ordering a service;

Attendee : natural person benefiting from the training;

OPCO : state-approved organization that finances training;

Subrogation: direct payment of the training fees by the OPCO, Mon Compte Formation (Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations) or Pole Emploi to the training organization, thus avoiding a cash advance to the client.

Inter-company training: these inter-company training courses, long or short, are available in AVENTUM’s catalog and carried out in AVENTUM’s premises or in premises made available by AVENTUM.

Intra-company training: These intra-company training courses are carried out on AVENTUM’s premises, the Customer’s premises or premises made available by the Customer. They are available in the training catalog or can be tailor-made.

Remote training: it is carried out in two ways:

– in a virtual classroom with continuous interaction between trainers and trainees. Some of our training courses are held in virtual classrooms. We are currently using Zoom, a videoconferencing software. Other software is available on the market and we may have to change suppliers,

– in e-learning by allowing trainees to follow training modules in a secure electronic space LMS – Learning Management System: application managing the learning process and the trainees’ pedagogical path.

1. Introduction

AVENTUM is a professional training organization whose head office is located at 22 avenue du Louron, 31770 COLOMIERS (France). AVENTUM develops, offers and delivers face-to-face training courses, open and distance learning courses in E-learning mode as well as blended training courses combining both face-to-face and E-learning. AVENTUM also provides coaching and operational and strategic consulting services to companies (all AVENTUM services are hereinafter referred to as « AVENTUM’s Service Offer » or « the Service Offer »).

2. Object

These general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter the « GTC ») apply to all AVENTUM Service Offerings relating to orders placed with AVENTUM by any professional or private customer (hereinafter the « Customer »).

Acceptance of this quotation implies full and unconditional acceptance by Customer of these GTC. Any condition to the contrary, and in particular any general or specific condition opposed by the Customer, shall not prevail over these GTC, unless formally accepted in writing by AVENTUM, regardless of the time at which it may have been brought to its attention. The fact that AVENTUM does not take advantage of any of these GTC at a given time shall not be construed as a waiver of the right to take advantage of them at a later date.

3. Application for the courses conditions

3.2. Registration to our courses

Registration to our trainings can be done through different channels:

  •  via our website https://www.licence-4.com ;
  •  via the acceptance of a signed and paid estimate;
  •  via a registration form (Pole Emploi);
  •  via a training agreement signed by the organization and the client.

 A certificate of attendance will be sent to you at the end of the training.


3.2. Payment

 The payment of the training fees depends on the duration of the training:

1. for short courses of less than 5 days: payment at registration

2.  for longer courses :

 – 30% deposit at registration,

 – balance at least 8 days before the course


Special case of payments by bank transfer

Customers wishing to pay by bank transfer must send us the transfer order:

  •  within 72 hours for any registration made more than 7 days before the training,
  •  within 4 hours for any registration made 7 days or less before the beginning of the training.


3.3. Settlement by an OPCO

 In case of payment by the OPCO on which the Customer depends, it is the Customer’s responsibility to make the request to the OPCO before the start of the training.

 The funding agreement must be communicated at the time of registration and on the copy of the agreement that the Customer returns to AVENTUM signed. In the event of partial coverage by the OPCA, the difference will be invoiced directly by AVENTUM to the Customer. If AVENTUM does not receive the OPCO’s agreement to cover the costs on the first day of training, AVENTUM reserves the right to invoice the Customer for the full cost of the training.


3.4. Cancellations and postponements

3.4.1 Cancellation by the Customer

 The dates of the couses are fixed by mutual agreement between AVENTUM and the Customer, and are firmly blocked. In accordance with Article L121-16 of the French Consumer Code, you have a 14-day cancellation period. For training courses booked late, the holder has 7 working days before the start date to notify his withdrawal. This cancellation does not entail any penalty and does not require any justification.

 In other cases, in the event of late cancellation by the Client of a jointly planned training session, compensation is due under the conditions determined by the notice period:

  •  between 15 and 30 working days before the session: 30% of the training fees;
  •  between 8 and 15 working days before the session: 70% of the training costs;
  •  7 days and less: 100% of the training fees.


3.4.2 Postponement due to the client

 In case of course postponement , no compensation will be due in case of cancellation at least 8 days before the session.  At 7 days or less, a fee of 150 euros will be charged.


3.4.3 Postponement by Aventum

 AVENTUM reserves to itself the right to postpone a training session due to an insufficient number of trainees registered for the session. AVENTUM must inform the customer at least one week before the scheduled start of the training session. No compensation will be paid for this postponement.

 In case of impossibility to organize a new session within 5 weeks following the date of training initially planned, the refund could in this case be required by the customer. It will be done without delay.


3.4.4 Training validation

 Unless special arrangements are expressly accepted by AVENTUM, training courses will be validated under three cumulative conditions

  •  the trainee’s attendance during the entire training period ;
  •  successful completion of the assessments scheduled during the session(s), whether continuous assessment or final assessment, written or not;
  •  and for regulatory training, proof of the client’s identity by means of an official document. These documents can be presented in a videoconference, or sent by text message or email. In the second case, the messages will be deleted after verification.

4. Act of God

 AVENTUM shall not be liable for the total or partial non-performance of its obligations if its control is impaired by an event of force majeure such as, but not limited to, the following: natural disaster, war, administrative decision, total strike, fire, flood, etc. The period of performance of AVENTUM’s services shall automatically be extended during the event of Act of God.

5. Accuracy of information provided by the customer

The customer certifies that the information provided to the training center is accurate.

 AVENTUM shall not be held responsible for the customer’s choice of the duration of the license training if the customer claims to have ten years of experience in operating a license when this is not the case.

6.Personal Data Protection

The personal information collected from the client and/or the trainee is essential for the validation of registrations and the organisation of our training courses. Failure to provide such information will result in refusal of the course. This information may also be used by AVENTUM to strengthen and personalise communication, particularly by means of information emails, and to improve our services according to the preferences of users. This information is confidential and AVENTUM undertakes not to divulge to third parties the information communicated by the client or the trainee.

In accordance with the French « Informatique et Libertés » law, the processing of personal information relating to trainees has been declared by AVENTUM to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), registered under the number 2094436 v 0. The CLIENT has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete personal data concerning it (article 34 of the law of 6 January 1978), which it may exercise by contacting AVENTUM:

  • By post: AVENTUM – 22 avenue du Louron – 31770 COLOMIERS
  • By email: contact@licence-4.com specifying his personal details and the references of his account under which his personal data is recorded. The requested changes will be made within four to six weeks.

7. Independence of clauses

If one or more stipulations of these general conditions are held to be invalid or declared as such in application of a law, a regulation or following a final decision of a competent court, the other stipulations shall retain all their force and scope.

8. Arbitration and jurisdiction

8.1. Handling of complaints

In accordance with the ACPR recommendation on the handling of complaints, we can define a complaint as follows: « A statement expressing a client’s dissatisfaction with a professional; a request for a service or benefit, a request for information or clarification or a request for an opinion is not a complaint.

How to file a complaint :

The customer must contact Stéphane GELY, manager of the company Aventum by the following means:

  • Email address: stephane@aventum-groupe.com
  • Telephone: 05 31 60 92 46

He must state the reasons for his complaint as precisely as possible. Once the request has been submitted, the customer will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of the complaint by e-mail.

The processing time is 10 working days. If it is not possible to respond within the 10-day period, the Organisation will inform the client by email.

The response will also be provided by email.

8.2 Mediation of consumer disputes (individuals)

In accordance with articles of the Consumer Code L611-1 et seq. and R612-1 et seq., it is provided that for any dispute of a contractual nature relating to the performance of the sales contract and/or the provision of services which could not be resolved in the context of a complaint previously submitted to our customer service, the Consumer may have recourse to free mediation. He/she shall contact the National Association of Mediators (ANM) either by post by writing to 2 rue de Colmar 94300 Vincennes (stating your telephone number and/or your e-mail address) or by e-mail by filling in the online referral form at the following address https://www.anm-conso.com. For more information, please contact the ANM Conso by telephone at 01 46 81 20 95, from Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm

The consumer can also visit the European Online Dispute Resolution platform.
The following website www.economie.gouv.fr/mediation-conso also contains all useful information in the event of a cross-border dispute.

8.3 Jurisdiction

The present conditions of sale are subject to French law. Complaints or disputes will always be received with attentive benevolence, good faith being always presumed in the one who takes the trouble to expose his situations. In the event of a dispute, the customer shall first contact AVENTUM to obtain an amicable solution. Failing this, the Tribunal de Commerce de TOULOUSE (31) shall have sole jurisdiction. The place of formation and the method of payment accepted shall not affect or derogate from this jurisdiction clause.

General conditions of sale version 2022/3, updated on 21 September 2022