Agreed by the State and Quality certifed

Training courses in English by videoconference

Licence-4.com offers training courses in English : permis d'exploitation, HACCP...

Online  Permis d'exploitation for table d'hôtes course

At the price of € 400,00

*offer valid only for the session of March 15, 2024

From €400,00

Duration  : 8 hours – 1 day

Modalities  : by videoconference – Zoom (virtual classroom)

Time : from 9am to 1pm and 2to 6pm 

Next dates : September 16, 2024

Funding :  Pôle Emploi, AGEFICE, FAFCEA, OPCOs (AKTO, AFDAS…)

Online Permis d'exploitation for table d'hôtes Course

A the price of € 400,00 

From €400,00

Duration  : 8 hours – 1 day

Modalities  : by videoconference – Zoom (virtual classroom)

Time : day 1 and 2 from 9am to 1pm and 2to 6pm ; day 3 from 9am to 1pm

Next dates : September 16, 2024

Funding :  Pôle Emploi, AGEFICE, FAFCEA, OPCOs (AKTO, AFDAS…)

*offer valid only for the session of March 15, 2024

Certified Qualiopi from 2020


/10 : Satisfaction rate

Source : Avis Garantis

Licence-4.com est certifié Qualiopi

Agreed by the State:  permis

 d’exploitation and HACCP

3 ways to register for the Permis d'exploitation for table d'hôtes course

Réserver sa place à la formation par téléphone

By Phone 

Call our team from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 1pm and 2 to 6pm

Assurez votre place à la formation directement

Online registration

Find the right date and apply for the course in a few clicks.

Demande de devis, formation Aventum

Proposal request

We’ll send you your proposal as soon as possible 

To know everything about the course Permis d'exploitation for table d'hôtes

Who can participate in this course program ?

Target audience : You are presently managing or planning to establish a bed and breakfast and considering incorporating alcohol service during meal times.

Prerequisites : None

Essential : To undertake the bed and breakfast permis d’exploitation table d’hôtes courses, you are required to:

-Have a good command of the English language,

-Possess the necessary equipment, including a PC, Mac, or Linux system with a functioning camera, a microphone (preferably a headset or speaker), a tablet, or a smartphone.

-Have Zoom installed, meeting the compatibility requirements of Windows 7, MacOS X10, or Ubuntu 12.04. 

"Technical specifications are available on Zoom meeting" 

Training goals

-Comprehend the reach of the law and its implications on civil and criminal matters.

-Acquire knowledge about the duties associated with operating a drinking establishment: signage, outdoor spaces, security surveillance.

-Address public health concerns related to alcohol, tobacco, and narcotics.

Course Outline

1.Training overview

2.Legal and regulatory environment

-Fundamentals of the French legal system
-Administrative regulations

3.Requirements for establishing a bar or restaurant

-Beverage categories and authorizations
-Administrative procedures to follow

4.Managerial responsibilities

-Establishment requirements
-Support for public health
-Civil order protection

5.Additional responsibilities

-Fire safety measures for Public Reception Establishments (ERP)
-Combatting discrimination
-Audiovisual content levies

6.Specific local directives

-Service hours
-Departmental sanitary standards
-Local decisions and prefectural directives (interruptions, noise)

7.Social responsibilities

-Hiring procedures
-Various contract forms
-Work time framework
-Information displays
-Professional course
-Workplace risk precautions

Deadlines and terms of access to training

Access times :

Registration for the course is possible until 2 p.m. the day before the course, depending on places available.

Access terms :

As soon as you register, you will receive an email with your invoice if applicable, and the information that you will receive your agreement 7 days before the course. This agreement gives you all the details about the course (schedules, access to questionnaires, Zoom link). You will have to complete the necessary questionnaires before the start of the course. Then, you will receive a reminder the day before the course begins.

Course and evaluation methods

*You participate in a virtual class hosted via Zoom.

*We provide and share tailored course materials throughout the course.

*You will work on practical case studies to better assimilate the concepts taught.

*You will be able to put their knowledge into practice through simulation exercises.

Assessment and conditions for success

To pass and obtain the permis d'exploitation, the following conditions must be met:

*Compulsory participation in the two half-days of course.

*Presentation of an official identity document.

*Get at least 80% correct answers in the final quiz. If this threshold is not reached, you can retry the quiz. If you fail again, a trainer will call you to make sure you understand the fundamentals.

Strong Points and Certification

-Two proficient leaders: a legal consultant partnered with an experienced executive boasting over 10 years in the restaurant sector.

-Enlightening instructors simplifying intricate concepts into easily digestible knowledge.

-Testimonials, demonstrations, and real-world scenarios...

-Success rate: 100%

-Satisfaction rating: 96.4%

Our certification is endorsed by the government. We were granted a five-year validation by the Ministry of the Interior in 2016, which was renewed in 2021.

To find out more, please refer to the prefectural decree on the accreditation portal.

Are you facing a disability ?

If you are dealing with a disability, please arrange a meeting with Stéphane GELY, our designated representative, at (+33) We will schedule a meeting to discuss and evaluate any necessary adjustments to ensure the optimal delivery of your course.

Head to https://www.licence-4.com/accessibilite-personnes-situation-handicap/ to explore how we prioritize accessibility for all. This website also contains our informational brochure and the specifics of our accessibility approach.

Technical and educational assistance

We offer ongoing technical and educational support:

-For any technical assistance, call or write to service.client@licence-4.com.

-For questions relating to pedagogy, send an email to pedagogie@licence-4.com.

Version 6 from 30/03/2024

If you operate or intend to establish a bed and breakfast, and wish to serve alcohol to your guests as part of table d’hôtes services :

The permis d’exploitation table d’hôtes course has been mandatory since 2013. We offer you the opportunity to attend this course in videoconference. Wherever you are, you can participate from the comfort of your home.

Upon completion of this course, we will issue your permis d’exploitation tables d’hôtes course, valid for 10 years in mainland France and the Overseas Departments and Territories.


of our clients

say that the course help them to improve their skill !

(average quality score from 01/02023 to 03/2024)



customers in 5 are satisfied by their course

(average quality score from 01/02023 to 03/2024)


of our clients

have passed their exam and obtained their certificate

(average quality score from 01/02023 to 03/2024)

Guarantees of Quality

Aventum est un organisme de formation agrée Qualiopi depuis 2020

We are certified Qualiopi. 

That you offer a prooved quality of service 

Licence-4.com est un marchand approuvé avec mention d'excellence par la société des Avis Garantis.

We are classified as « Excellence » Merchant,

granted by Société des avis Garantis

Apply for the Permis d’exploitation for table d’hôtes course

Simple et quick in 3 steps :

Calendrier dates de formation

Click on the right date in the list below

Sélection dates formation

Select the type of course and the number of attendee(s)

Valider la commande

Type your name, phone and email and confirm (continuer)

Paiement en 3 fois sans frais sur www.licence-4.com

Permis d’exploitation for table d’hôtes courses rates

Standard Permis d'exploitation for table d'hôtes course

€400,00 /person

Formation officielle proposée par Aventum
Official course

8h – 1 day by videoconference (Zoom)

Service client formation Aventum
After-sales service

we answer your questions by email, until 7  working days following your demand

Support de cours à la formation
Slides access

 Access to the slides updates during 18 months

Premium Permis d'exploitation for table d'hôtes course

€ 450,00 /person

Formation officielle proposée par Aventum
Official course

8h – 1 day by videoconference (Zoom)

Service client formation Aventum
After-sales service

we answer your questions by phone, until 2 working days following your demand

Support de cours à la formation
Slides access

 Access to the slides updates during 24 months

Standard Permis d'exploitation for table d'hôtes course

€400,00 /person

Formation officielle proposée par Aventum
Official course

8h – 1 day by videoconference (Zoom)

Service client formation Aventum
After-sales service

we answer your questions by email, until 7  working days following your demand

Support de cours à la formation
Slides access

 Access to the slides updates during 18 months

Permis + HACCP

Pack preferential rate

€ 900,00 /person

Formation officielle proposée par Aventum
Official course

22 hours

Support de cours à la formation
Permis d'exploitation + HACCP

*Permis d’exploitation : 8 hours by videoconference course, with 2 trainers

*HACCP : 14 hours in the center, with two trainers

*HACCP : on two days

Service client formation Aventum
After-sales service

+ we answer your questions by email, until 7 working days following your demand

Premium Permis d'exploitation for table d'hôtes course

€ 450,00 /person

Formation officielle proposée par Aventum
Official course

8h – 1 day by videoconference (Zoom)

Service client formation Aventum
After-sales service

we answer your questions by phone, until 2 working days following your demand

Support de cours à la formation
Slides access

 Access to the slides updates during 24 months

They trust us...
Frequent Asked Questions
What is the process for obtaining the permis d’exploitation table d’hôtes ?

The course for the permis d’exploitation table d’hôtes takes place using the ZOOM software.

As per regulations, it is mandatory for two trainers to be available for interaction at any point during the course in any training establishment.

Normally, the sessions are scheduled for Tuesdays, although adjustments might be made based on public holidays.

What is the time frame for the permis d’exploitation table d’hôtes ?

The overall duration of the program is 8 hours, spread across a single day, starting from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and then from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

If you are not operating table d'hôtes, have not previously completed this training, or lack a minimum of 10 years of experience in bar or restaurant management, you are required to undertake the initial operating license training, which lasts for 2 and a half days.

Does the permis d’exploitation table d'hôtes comply with the law ?

Absolutely, this course is fully lawful.

Based on the order issued on September 21, 2020, the training for obtaining the permis d’exploitation can be conducted remotely, using virtual sessions. The regulations mandate that this training must involve the continuous participation of two trainers, including a legal expert and an expert in the hospitality industry.

More detailed information can be accessed on Légigrance via the following link

Nevertheless, it's important to note that some organizations conduct sessions led by a single trainer, which does not adhere to the established standards.

How can I fund my course ?

The course mentioned does not qualify for Compte Professionnel de Formation (CPF) support, and this is the case for other organizations as well.

Nevertheless, there are various financing options open to you based on your current circumstances. You can explore the possibility of approaching Pôle Emploi if you are a registered job seeker or inquire with specific OPCOs that match your professional profile.

Can I reschedule my training if something comes up ?

You are allowed to reschedule your course once, provided the rescheduling is within a 5-week window from your initial registration date.

Ensure that you submit your rescheduling request at least one week before the session commences. Cancellation is permissible only in cases of force majeure. If this applies to you, please inform us in writing, outlining the reasons for your cancellation. Following this, we will handle your reimbursement.

How can I ensure the reliability of the organization ?

In order to operate, each organization must possess a formal accreditation. Our institution was granted certification by the Ministry of the Interior in January 2016.

Furthermore, on January 4, 2021, the Haute-Garonne Prefecture renewed our certification.

You can review the accreditation here: https://www.licence-4.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/AGREMENT-PREFECTORAL-1.pdf

 This course is accessible in videoconference, anywhere in the World

Licence-4.com est un centre de formation et de conseil spécialisé en hôtellerie, restauration et débits de boissons.

22 avenue du Louron
31770 Colomiers
Phone : +33 (0)5 31 60 92 46
Contact us
Monday to Friday : 8h30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

About Us
Our Expertise

Regulatory course 
Short online courses
Other courses for restaurateurs
Online information and advice


Approval Permis d’exploitation

Organization approved by the Prefecture of Haute Garonne
(renewal of 04/01/2022 of the ministerial approval of 18/01/2026 NOR:INTD1736567A)

Quality Certification
What is Qualiopi ?


All rights reserved – © 2023 – Licence 4 by Aventum

